Inviting Users to Connect

Once you have created a group, you can easily invite your friends and family to connect with you.

  1. Open the Flyout menu and tap the Invite Button
  2. Select the group you wish to which you want to invite your friends
  3. Add user emails either from your contacts or manually
  4. Click |Send|
  5. A message will confirm your invites have been sent successfully

You can also invite people through the Group Admin page:

  1. Navigate to the Group Admin page
  2. Tap the |Invite Member| button
  3. Add user emails either from your contacts or manually
  4. Click |Send|
  5. A message will confirm your invites have been sent successfully

NOTE: You can invite people that are NOT currently on MealLogger to your group -- we will facilitate the entire sign up/connect process through an easy-to-follow email!