Group Admin Bootcamp

Here’s some “basic training” for creating a great group experience:

  1. Create a killer group profile.

    • Be clear and concise in your purpose statement. If you set “ground rules” (e.g. vegan meals only), phrase them respectfully.
    • Add a fun, inviting profile photo. A good image will attract interest.
  2. Set the right tone.

    • Keep the conversation positive and welcoming. An accepting, non-judgmental tone builds the trust that’s needed for honest, open sharing.
    • Encourage friendly humor — it puts people at ease.
  3. Stay active on the app.

    • Post meals, exercises, and statuses regularly. People will level up to the expectations you set for active participation.
    • Share links to articles, blogs, and videos. People appreciate it when you share new insights and helpful information.
  4. Spread the word.

    • Share a link to introduce your group to others. The |Share| button under Connections in the Flyout menu makes it easy.
    • Invite others to join your group using the |Invite| button under Connections in the Flyout menu. Besides family and friends, consider sharing with co-workers and neighbors.
  5. Psych your group up.

    • Share the link to our everyday hero stories. When we see someone “just like us” overcoming challenges and making real progress toward healthier living, it fires us up.
    • Celebrate the accomplishments of others. People like to be recognized, and when you and others take notice they’re encouraged to reach even higher.
  6. Help others succeed.

    • Set the example for good feedback. Don’t shy away from offering constructive criticism. People are open to feedback that’s honest, on point, and well intentioned.
    • Be specific and forward-looking in your comments. General praise (e.g. “Way to go!”) is not nearly as helpful as addressing actual behaviors and offering specific alternatives.