User Privacy

User privacy is extremely important to us. We understand how intimate a nutrition journal can be and have carefully taken steps to ensure that your privacy is protected.

There are two types of connections you can make within MealLogger: connection to a Group and connection to a Professional.

If you have no connections, your MealLogger account is completely hidden -- i.e. no one besides you can see your data and your account is not discoverable by anyone (people cannot search for and find your account).

When you make connections through the app, others may be able to access some of the data you post. This page will highlight what data you are sharing via your connections.

Connection to a Group

Once you are connected to a group, you will be able to adjust where to post your events through the Group Visibility section at the bottom of each Add/Edit Event page. Only events that you post to a group will be accessible to that group. additionally, some information you enter into your Profile will be accessible to your connections. The chart below highlights what is visible to others once you connect to a group:

Group Members can see your: Group Followers can see your:
 You are a: Events1 Profile2 Events1 Profile2
Member of a PRIVATE group X X N/A* N/A*
Member of a PUBLIC group X X X X
Follower of a PUBLIC group
1 "Events" refers to your meals, exercises, and statuses that are posted to the group -- including title, description, event image, time/date, and tracking variables (e.g. calories).
2 "Profile" refers to only your first name, last name, and user image as entered on your Profile page. (NOTE: If you prefer, feel free to use the first initial of your last name or forego entering one altogether.)
* PRIVATE groups cannot be followed
NOTE: Members of groups you connect to DO NOT have access to any of the feedback you receive from your professional. All professional feedback you receive is ONLY visible to you.

Connection to a Professional

When you connect to a professional, your professional will have access to:

  • All of your meals, exercises, and data tracking biometrics (e.g. weight)
  • All of the information you enter in your Profile page
  • All of your Daily and Weekly Notes

You can also view our Privacy Policy here.