Syncing Your App

When you add or edit your journal, MealLogger automatically syncs the updated information on your app to the cloud. Occassionally this automatic sync will not complete due to outstanding circumstances (e.g. no connection).

If this occurs to you, you can run a manual sync to upload everything to the cloud so that everything is properly saved and all of your events are properly displayed to your connections.

Running a Manual Sync:

  1. Navigate to the Account page
  2. Tap the |Sync| button
    • You will see the |Syncing| icon spinning above the button. Wait on the Account page until your sync completes.
    • Once the sync completes, a |Success| or |Error| icon will replace the |Syncing| icon above the button:
      • If the |Success| icon shows, your sync completed successfully
      • If the |Error| icon shows, you sync was unsuccessful. Please check your connection to make sure wi-fi/mobile data is working correctly, and once it is, repeat the steps above.
  3. After a manual sync completes successfully, your account is properly synced to the cloud