How to Create a MealLogger Competition:

  1. Create an expert account (link here)
  2. Login to your expert account through a browser (link here)
  3. Click on the "Competitions" tab at the top of the page
  4. Click on the "Create Competition" tab at the top-right of the page
  5. This will take you to the "New Competition" page, which is where you add the information for your new competition. You can:
    • Add the "Name" of your competition
    • Add the "Start Date" and "End Date"
    • Add the "Rules" verbiage, which gives an outline of the competition to its participants. NOTE: The point structure of the competition (i.e. how a participant scores points) needs to be included in the "Rules" section for participants to see it.
    • Select the "Participants" of the competition
    • Add the daily and weekly point structures via "Add Daily Points" and "Add Weekly Points" buttons. You will be able to add these points via checkboxes visible on the left-hand side of a client's daily and weekly journals. NOTE: These point structures are NOT visible to the competition's participants unless you manually add them to the competitions "Rules" section.
    • If you would like to be able to award points to participants' individual events via star-ratings, select the "Scoring for star-ratings" box. Once checked, the star-ratings given to a participant's events will be added to their point totals (1 star = 1 point).
  6. Click "Create Competition" to create your competition

CONGRATULATIONS! You have just created your competition! It will now appear in the app for selected participants.